Yes, Reiki can be taught online. Yes, Source energy passes through the interwebs! We don’t like change. I get it. This is new. We don’t like change. And we don’t like something as sacred and spiritual as Reiki to be adulterated. I have blogged about my philosophy concerning technology-assisted Reiki- I have coined that philosophy… [Read More]
Physical and emotional reactions to essential oils the first time you use
I just read the title of this blog and I sound like a junkie… giving advice for the first time you “use…” Well, I guess I am. This post discusses potential first time essential oil reactions. I am an oily junkie. But I also know that for some of us, the first time we use… [Read More]
Competition can be an awesomely collaborative experience!
Most of my readers here know I am the co-founder of Online Therapy Institute. I want to tell you a little story about competition and collaboration. In 2009 I became acquainted with Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter who runs The Institute for Life Coach Training. I was approached to extend my expertise in online therapy to the… [Read More]
Emotional Support and Essential Oils
Ever wonder what you can do to get your “sea legs” back after the boat has been tipped over and jossled about? You have heard about being grounded and getting back to center. There are many paths to grounding – meditation, visualization, self-Reiki, yoga, prayer… And with whatever method you choose, you can add essential… [Read More]
What is different about my Reiki Training?
I teach Reiki. I teach Reiki online so that you can learn Reiki online. As the co-founder of Online Therapy Institute, it makes sense I would conduct all aspects of Reiki online or via distance. Reiki training should be accessible to all. I believe that everyone should benefit from Reiki – from source energy- the… [Read More]
Have a great day! Follow this essential oils protocol!
Yep. I had heard of Gary Young’s Great Day Protocol. In fact, I must have somehow subconsciously applied the concept in my own way after hearing about it, or perhaps I intuitively knew what might help me have a great day. Either way, I was glad to be reminded of the protocol today at an… [Read More]
Being an Introvert in Network Marketing- It can work.
No Really. It can. It just takes finding your voice- well, not even your voice really. Particularly if you are online. No, I take that back. You do need your voice. You just don’t need a loud one and you don’t have to give speeches. Network Marketing Why am I talking about network marketing? Because… [Read More]
Enhancing Love with Essential Oils
Essential oils and essential oil blends have long been used to enhance mood and libido. Using essential oils – oils that are pure- is like going back to the basics and creating a love mood free of artificial scents and ingredients. Essential Oils for Romance You may have heard that certain oils like chamomile can aid… [Read More]