When I first experienced the Twin Flame Tsunami I had no idea. I didn’t know a karmic from a soul mate from a twin flame from a partner or a spouse. Let me say that again. I didn’t know. I had no idea the wave that was about to wash over me. I thought I… [Read More]
My Twin Flame Card Spread
Today is 11/11. Numerology is not my strong suit but I know that 1111, 11:11, 11/11- This is a sequence not to overlook. This is the manifestation number, and as many of you know, the Twin Flame number. Why? Because it represents ascension. And ascension is what the Twin Flame mission is all about. Many… [Read More]
Twin Flame Wish
I have things to do! I have this “to-do” list that is really intense- my work/life to-do list. And most days I am on it. When I am in serious work mode, nothing can take me off mission. But we are talking Twin Flame. I am approaching 3 years on this Twin Flame journey and… [Read More]
Twin Flame Knowing
This feels visceral, primordial, familiar. I know this man. Soul level knowing. We have danced before. It just is… When you encounter your Twin Flame you just know. I am a firm believer that nobody else can confirm that someone is your Twin Flame. That knowing comes from within you. Of course you may also… [Read More]
The Twin Flame Gaze
I continue on my series of blog posts about Twin Flame Signs- expanding on a post I wrote a few months ago. In that post I said, Looking into the eyes of your Twin Flame can be REALLY intense, not necessarily because you are looking into the eyes of your true love, but because you… [Read More]
Twin Flame Recognition
Twin Flame Recognition~ you may feel you recognize the person- either from this life or a past life. Some describe it as déjà vu; others experience this recognition as a deep knowing at soul level. This does not necessarily happen instantly. You may have known the person for years. The first physical contact with your… [Read More]
Twin Flame Signs Nobody Talks About
I hope this post is helpful as you forge ahead on your twin flame journey. In the meantime if you looking for insight about your Twin Flame relationship, I offer a Facebook group, Twin Flame Truth. I have also written a book of essays- Sovereign Soul: Twin Flame Understanding, available on Etsy! The [energy] experienced… [Read More]