When I first experienced the Twin Flame Tsunami I had no idea. I didn’t know a karmic from a soul mate from a twin flame from a partner or a spouse. Let me say that again. I didn’t know. I had no idea the wave that was about to wash over me.
I thought I had experienced great love, great loss and everything in between. But nothing compares. Nothing. I was upended and taken to my knees. And at the same time, kundalini was rising within me like electricity; my soul expanded and my intuitive gifts of discernment, claircognizance and clairvoyance increased in accuracy and frequency.
I experienced the most elation and joy I had ever known; I felt I was home. And just on the other side of that wave was my Dark Night of the Soul; shadow work showed up demanding my attention. I was thrown into the limitless abyss and all the ache and trauma I had worked decades to heal was exposed again as if someone had removed stuck bandages from gaping wounds. My heart swelled and diminished. I felt the ebb and flow of my Twin Flame and it showed up in me by way of heaving cries or uproarious laughter. Othertimes I would just sit in silence staring into space wondering about the why of it all… or I would find myself praying unceasingly.
I longed for and wanted to run all at the same time. How is that possible? I could not understand what happened to me- this incredibly spiritual, sensual and spectacular event that left me vascillating on both ends of the feelings continuum with not much ability to just hang out and “be.”
I honestly did not know what to do or who to talk to. I am a therapist and that left me with this knowing that were I to present this story as a client, most therapists might diagnose me as “wackadoo.” So, as I have said before, I googled my symptoms. That is how I came to know the term Twin Flame or Twin Soul.
I read voraciously. I read everything I could find and viewed countless videos. Honestly, I only ended up more confused and the constant dive for more information, insight and validation only served to keep me holding on to the typical relationship paradigm that most of us have come to understand. And THIS, this Twin Flame connection was anything but typical. The more groups I joined, the more it felt I was being indoctrinated into a cult of the most unhappy.
And yet, even as my confusion remained, my purpose expanded. If ever I doubted how I could be of service to others, THAT was in the rear view mirror. I went where I was led. I moved from seeker to finder and many times, life found me. When I met my Twin Flame I was appointed to a higher calling. I was called to serve others; to embody lightwork.
But my calling could not be fully recognized until I got out of my own way. I had to stop. The digging up of information kept me from digging into me. Instead of reading the next article or meme, or listening to this week’s Twin Flame astrological impact as a way of future casting, I just needed to reflect on what was being presented to me in the mirror.
When your Twin Flame shows up you will know it. You won’t have to ask anyone if the person is your Twin Flame. You will just know. Doubting is normal but you will always return to the resonating truth. You may have read many things about Twin Flame Union- it will happen in this lifetime, it might not happen in this lifetime, everyone has a Twin Flame, not everyone is chosen to be a Twin Flame, Twin Flame Union is rare…
You will also learn that Twin Flames come into union to do mission work together. Or you may learn that before Union there will be a soul merge. You might hear that Twin Flames are in mission together even if they are not yet in physical union. You will also read that Twin Flames are always romantic or rarely romantic.
You might have encountered information about seeing number sequences and depending on the source, this could mean you are closer to union or further away from union. Along with that, you will likely hear about Twin Flame stages and terms such as runner/chaser.
All of this or perhaps none of this is true. Every Twin Flame Journey is different. What is the constant thread in all stories is that a true Twin Flame causes you to look beyond ego, to love yourself, forgive, embody unconditional love and find ways to be of service to others. Whether a one-time encounter with your Twin or years of commitment in a romantic relationship- the purpose of the Twin Flame journey is to stir your soul into service. The pain that shows up is a gift so that you can work through one more lesson on the way to ascension and transformation.
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