This feels visceral, primordial, familiar.
I know this man.
Soul level knowing.
We have danced before.
It just is…
When you encounter your Twin Flame you just know. I am a firm believer that nobody else can confirm that someone is your Twin Flame. That knowing comes from within you. Of course you may also experience that knowing with doubt or denial or disbelief but the real truth is yours and not for someone else to reveal.
So what is this “knowing?” I think of it as a spiritual and intuitive gift. It may be the first awakening of your intuition that you have encountered. As an intuitive I have always been claircognizant. The exact meaning of claircognizance is “clear knowing.” Read more here about the deep dive on claircognizance. Most people know about clairvoyance (seeing) clairaudience (hearing) and clairsentience (feeling) but many people who “just know things” may not know they are actually claircognizant. If you know someone is your Twin Flame in a way like you have never known anything before, you may be experiencing the spiritual and psychic awakening that is part of the Twin Flame Journey.
If knowing your Twin Flame is your first claircognizant experience, it makes sense that you would doubt, disbelieve or deny. You may even feel like you have gone a bit mad as you desperately try to sort out what is going on. You might be reading this because, like so many of us, you went on a desperate internet search to figure out what is going on with you. You may be contemplating seeing a psychic or intuitive for the first time in your life.
Trust your instincts. What might be a sure sign (other than you just know) that you have met your Twin Flame? You feel a very strong urge to help humankind- to be a part of the corrective action plan this earth so desperately needs.