Twin Flame Recognition~ you may feel you recognize the person- either from this life or a past life. Some describe it as déjà vu; others experience this recognition as a deep knowing at soul level. This does not necessarily happen instantly. You may have known the person for years. The first physical contact with your twin flame may be the trigger for recognition.
I wrote about this a few months ago in my post, Twin Flame Signs Nobody Talks About. So I will be writing about each point I made in that post- to expand and offer a place for people to be reflective of their experiences in the comments below.
When you meet your twin flame “for the first time” there will be recognition. That recognition feels different for everyone but any twin will tell you that it is a deep knowing and familiarity about the person. You may feel a tingling sensation or your eyes may water. You may have a cognitive, cerebral knowing that you experience as fact, much as you know 1+1=2. You may receive information that is auditory or visual or it may be a familiar smell. You may also have the experience of having been there before, or you may see you and your flame into the future. Perhaps you have dreamed of your twin already. If you identify as an intuitive, you know that what I just described are the Clair Senses– the “other” senses we all possess.
Sometimes recognition of our twin is not immediate. We may know our twin but it takes an encounter that involves one of the five senses to trigger us and then the clair senses kick in. So we may not “recognize” the person as our twin soul until we are engaged with that person differently through hearing, sight, touch, smell, or taste. For instance, you may have known the person for years but from a distance so the first time you were around the person you recognized their distinct smell or pheromones. Or perhaps you have been around the other person but you never physically touched one another. Brushing up against, making skin contact, kissing for the first time, or even talking for the first time to someone you have admired from afar. All of these possibilities come into play when we talk about twin soul recognition.
Whether you immediately recognize your twin flame or an encounter later in life with a person you know triggers the recognition, your life will be forever changed.
LonerWolf states it well:
I like to think of the meeting of two mirror souls as an existential earthquake: all of a sudden you can sense that an immensely important person has entered your life. All of a sudden you get the overwhelming feeling that your life is going to change in a way you aren’t even aware of yet – and yet you intuitively know that the changes will be great, greater than what you’ve ever experienced, and breathtaking in their magnitude.
Some may say that this description is the same as two people falling in love, or the same as a connection between two soul mates. And I have to agree- the lines are blurred, with one exception. And I say this over and over- if this person is your twin, you will simply know. No one else can tell you a person is your twin or not- you are the one who must validate that ticket. And once your twin flame enters your life, no matter the circumstances, if you do the work you are called to do, your life will move forward on so many wonderful levels.