I thought I would share what I do to support my respiratory, digestive and lymphatic system! I embrace eating healthy and using supplements that support my health and well-being! Finding the right food for the body is key to supporting my autoimmune system and help me manage sarcoidosis and primary lymphedema.
This is what is working for me- I recommend discussing any change in diet and addition of supplements with your doctor.
First, I went on the elimination diet. There are many versions- I followed Dr. Amy Myers’ Elimination Diet protocol.
I went on the elimination diet to find out what foods I had sensitivities to. I am allergic to ALL seafood so those foods have been long off my list but I have other food sensitivities.
Other foods I do not eat:
- gluten
- cow dairy
- refined sugar
- processed foods
- canola oil
- soy
- nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, wolfberries)
Foods I eat sparingly:
- onions
- garlic
- mushrooms
- white rice
Foods I eat:
- green vegetables
- legumes
- sweet potatoes/yams
- advocados
- fresh fruit
- nuts
- eggs
- goat/sheep cheese
- lean protein- pork, beef, chicken, lamb
- grains such as quinoa, corn, brown rice, millet
- olive oil, advocado oil
- fermented probiotic sauerkraut or kimchee (daily)
“Eat right and take your vitamins!”
Actually, I take vitamins and supplements, including essential oils that support my gut and my respiratory and immune systems.
I use many other oils for emotional support, mental alertness, rest and relaxation and spiritual centering and just because they smell good!
Embrace non-toxic living!
I avoid all food additives such as dyes, nitrates and sulphites. I eat fresh and organic as much as possible.
My home is a chemical-free zone.
I avoid all NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, aleve, etc) due to sensitivity.
I DO go to the doctor when I am experiencing acute symptoms. I mix western allopathic medicine with alternative approaches when I need to.
This is a lifestyle change.
Yes, it would be daunting to incorporate all at one time and I don’t advise that. Start with your diet and ease in everything else. Expensive? For me, no more expensive than the daily allergy meds, inhalers, periodic candida meds, steroids and antibotics, not to mention the many doctor visits and diagnostic tests….
Purchase quality essential oil and nutritional products HERE.