A lot of emotional imbalance can be traced back to neurotransmitter deficiency. 50% of Americans over 14 years of age experience debilitating depression or anxiety. All of us have genetic potential for negative mood, triggered by stress and trauma, and most importantly, amplified by diet.
Our modern, standard American diet (SAD) contributes to our problems in emotional health:
- It is deficient in nutrients important in neurotransmitter production – in fact, the first symptoms of malnutrition is emotional imbalance.
- It consists of highly addictive sweeteners, such as corn syrup, which tends to create big fluctuations in blood sugar level, leading to mood swings.
- We are slashing fats from our diets indiscriminately – good fats are essential for proper brain functioning.
Most of the foods that people are addicted to these days are triggers to negative mood. We need support and the right tools to reduce those foods in our diet – and unfortunately, the proper knowledge and adequate support system are also lacking for most people who are dealing with their addiction to mood-altering foods.
Diet vs Food Lifestyle
And since I just mentioned diet, let me say that the word itself can be quite off-putting. I use it interchangeably with food lifestyle. Diet has the connotation of weight loss while food lifestyle is whole-body and healthful.
I recommend the following book to increase your healthy IQ. This book will support your wellness lifestyle.
nourish: a community supported cookbook
What can you do?
Start a food journal and record how you feel emotionally after eating certain foods. Pay special attention to your emotions after eating packaged and processed foods, and food with a lot of sweeteners. This assignment connects mind and body and continues on the theme of mindful and intentional eating.
Download my Meal Planner & Food/Mood Tracker HERE!