This post is published with permission from Dr Philip Agrios, and was first published in his email newsletter. I was intrigued by this article because I am gluten-free and I talk about my own personal steps back to wellness here. . It’s just a lot of hype… When people ask what I do, I explain to… [Read More]
Relationship Transitions Require Common Ground
People change. Relationship transitions are not uncommon. “It is what it is” is not what it was or what it will be. We know this yet we enter into relationships and friendships expecting things to remain the same. We expect that love is constant and unconditional and we forget the human factor. Of course the… [Read More]
Five Foods for Healthy Weight Loss
Before we get to the 5 foods that will help you lose weight naturally, I’ve gotta share a secret with you. I may be a health coach now, but that wasn’t always the case. In fact, if someone had told me years ago I’d be interested in nutrition, I would have laughed. I mean, I… [Read More]
Does Your Magnesium Supplement Contain Arsenic?
Labdoor, the supplement testing and rating service, announces its new Magnesium Rankings today designed to help consumers find the highest quality magnesium supplements on the market. Labdoor tested 36 best-selling magnesium supplements for active and inactive ingredient content and heavy metal load. Only about half of all products measured magnesium levels within 5% of their… [Read More]
Your Body Wants to Move! Get Your Exercise Mojo Back!
I stress the importance of movement in my Essential Wellness Wheel: Your body wants to move. Exercise simply. Keep your body limber and flexible. And I also confess that this has been the most difficult of the 10 Steps in the wheel for me to implement. Of course it is rare that any of us… [Read More]
Experience Personal Growth with a Professional Course!
I offer courses about wellness coaching, energy healing, and intuitive reading as well as online courses for therapists, coaches and healers on ethical delivery, supervision and certification. As a former psychotherapist I have been influenced by many wonderful people- Alice Miller, Karen Horney, Deborah King, Carolyn Myss and Colette Baron-Reid to name a few… to… [Read More]
Do You Know What Your Core Desired Feelings Are?
I do. Knowing my core desired feelings has been instrumental in allowing me to live the life I want and deserve and Danielle LaPorte’s work has been inspirational for me. I bet it can be for you too. If you have read my blog or if you are my Facebook “friend” or you follow me… [Read More]
How Can I Help You With Your Lifestyle Change?
I help you create a lifestyle change that includes non-toxic living, proper diet and essential oils. I encourage you along a wellness path that includes spirituality, emotional balance, proper nutrition, body movement and more, all based on my Essential Wellness Wheel. . I love guiding people along the path to health, wellness and abundance! . I combine… [Read More]