I commented recently on a forum thread about “Pornography Addiction.” There were many replies but what I read as an underlying theme is that pathological use of porn- the type that becomes a compulsion and creates consequences in the person’s life- is primarily the aftermath of childhood trauma. Oh. And that it doesn’t neccesarily have… [Read More]
When infidelity happens, it takes both to pick up the pieces…
Infidelity and affairs happen. Recent articles in the New York Times, Does Couples Therapy Work? And Wall Street Journal, Couples Therapy for One: To Fix a Marriage, Some Go Alone suggest that couples therapy is not always the answer to fixing a broken relationship and I tend to agree. Instead, understanding one’s own sense of… [Read More]
Flowers are a nice gesture! Even virtual flowers…
My efforts at the Online Therapy Institute once extended to Second Life. When we moved to a new location- from one island to another- we built a new office and virtual classroom complete with lovely landscaping. We shared an island with other people in the helping professions so we feel right at home. While I… [Read More]
Meditation Tidbit ~ What is your anchor image?
Do you meditate? If you don’t practice a formal meditation, do you spend quiet time reflecting? Perhaps you pray or spend time reading inspirational books or you use visualization and positive affirmations? Personally, I engage in Reiki for Self-care. What do you do to prepare for entering that reflective time? How do your clear your… [Read More]
Art, Media and Internet Addiction
On the heels of a new study just out about internet addiction, I was asked to contribute an article for a new book on the topic. I was honored that Gretta Louw asked me to write a piece for her book which is a follow-up book to the Controlling_Connectivity durational performance and exhibition: the psychological… [Read More]
The Healing Powers of Sedona
I have just spent the winter finishing a few writing deadlines. But just prior to spring’s official arrival I visited friends in Arizona and we took a weekend trip to a special place and I learned about the healing powers of Sedona. What a beautiful place! I did not have enough time to take in… [Read More]
Wishful Drinking ~ A Wonderful Way to Spend a Sunday Afternoon!
In Memoriam RIP Carrie Fisher Today is 12/27/2016 I blogged about your fabulous one-woman show on Broadway. Seven years ago today I saw your show and absolutely loved it. Now I am updating this page to bid you a loving and angelic farewell. I had the pleasure of seeing Wishful Drinking at Studio 54 Sunday… [Read More]
Clifton: A Mission of Hospitality
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. ~ Hebrews 13:2 In the fall of 1991 I was an undergraduate student at Georgia State University. I was a student in the health sciences department and I majored in Mental Health and Human Services. To be sure all students received hands-on experience,… [Read More]