I recently read a post Reiki Symbols: Secret or Sacred? and that caused me to pause. In my Reiki training it was made clear that some people think the Reiki Symbols should be secret and not displayed publically, and yet, each Reiki practitioner may feel guided differently.
Reiki Symbols are Positive
For me, the symbols hold positive energy whether one knows what to do with them or not. In my experience, the symbols hold energy – whether you have been taught what that is or not, if you’re sensitive, you can probably sense it when you see the symbols. I actually think that publishing them can possibly open other’s up to Universal Energy… just being in their presence may bring peace or a sense of well-being.
Reiki Symbols Transcend Technology
The other reason I am moved to to share the symbols here in cyberspace is because I am one that is constantly adapting to and teaching about cyberculture. Working and living in a mixed reality (online and offline) means some of us adapt our rituals and the symbolism involved in those rituals to online communication and virtual worlds. I have even coined the delivery of Reiki via technology as Kybernetes Reiki.
Drawing the symbols and placing them here means I always have a place to go to see them- in my virtual healing space, and perhaps even find new meaning in them. I conduct “hands-off” Reiki so visualizing my drawing of the symbols is part of how I do the work. Placing the symbols here is symbolic of my own Reiki journey…