For me, everything. Mental health and technology was my career focus for many years. And it grew me intuitively.
Becoming an E-Patient
About 15 years ago I was diagnosed with Stage IV Sarcoidosis. I was very ill for nearly a year and it took just as long to receive a proper diagnosis. In 2000 I turned to the internet for answers. I found a few support forums for people with respiratory symptoms and from that experience I was able to receive the support the medical community could not offer me. I was supported emotionally by people experiencing similar health issues and I was able to sort through the information to self-diagnose. There’s a term for that now. I was an early “e-patient.” I was determined to find answers because my doctors didn’t have any. A year later I was finally diagnosed. The internet, that virtual community- well, it saved my life.
On Being an Online Therapist
From that point on, I was fascinated by the ability to form meaningful relationships online and I began conducting online therapy via email and chat. This was the wild, wild west and only a handful of clinicians were engaged in this new way to deliver counseling and psychotherapy. I was mentored by my professional peers and became an expert in the field. Some even dared to call me a thought leader. I partnered with my dear friend and colleague, Kate Anthony and we formed the Online Therapy Institute in 2008.
Working with a Non-physical Presence
What struck me all the years I worked online via email and chat is how much my intuition became heightened. I would find myself in flow, writing with ease, channeling my higher self to assist others in need. Sometimes I could sense the tone of a client email before I opened it. Sometimes I knew much of the content before I opened and read the email. Sometimes I knew when my client who may have been 3000 miles away, was in crisis. I have trained many counselors and therapists who doubt the power of online therapy via the written word. I always say that when the aural and visual cues we become accustomed to are removed, our “sixth sense” or “third ear” kicks in. For me this is so very true!
Intuitive Work- Coming Home
I have written before about my intuitive nature. I have been intuitive all of my life and I have had many metaphysical and psychic experiences. Now that is the primary focus of my work. I decided to flip the paradigm and work above the wellness line- I shed my psychotherapist hat and instead, embraced the coaching profession and resurrected my intuitive gifts with intention. I use some tools to guide me such as essential oils, a pendulum and tarot. I call on source energy and I engage in automatic writing. I write books and created an oracle deck! Yes indeed. But here’s this post about telemental health…
Book Release
As I was embarking on my new line of work as an Intuitive, I was involved in editing the 2nd edition of a textbook about technology and mental health. A few years later, and the book is out! While I still have my toes dipped in the field of Telemental Health, my main focus now is wellness and energy work. Even so, I am so proud to have been part of this collaborative effort years in the making! Get your copy today with a 15% discount- GOSS0716
Here is the link to order: Technology in Mental Health: Applications in Practice, Supervision and Training