I remember in the 1980’s and 90’s inner child work and recovering from being an ACOA (Adult Child of an Alcoholic) lined the self-help section of bookstore shelves. I was entering grad school to become a therapist and I had done my own amount of therapy sitting in the client chair. I had done my own inner child work.
Positive Affirmations
As a client and as a therapist, I became intimately familiar with affirmation books and decks. Pull an affirmation card or read from a book of daily affirmations as a positive foundation for the day or for the session.
Holy Influence
I have used the Bible in similar ways, opening the book to see what verse my eyes might land on. I would use the verse to further explore and extrapolate a meaningful message in that moment in time. I have a few daily inspirational books reflecting verses and stories from the Bible as well.
Journaling and Essential Oils
I have also used daily journaling as a way to track synchronicities in my life and to find the meaning in those serendipitous moments. I have even randomly pulled a bottle of essential oil from my collection with the firm belief that the oil I chose was the oil I needed at that time. I have also used specific oil blends to promote my creative writing and help with writer’s block
You get the picture, right? We might all tell similar stories or create similar rituals.
Oracle Cards
While I have had Tarot readings and have even taken Tarot classes, Oracle cards are my preference. Tarot is steeped in tradition but also feels like a more rigid process. Don’t get me wrong. sometimes I use the Tarot. But mostly I use Oracle cards- the Oracle feels like a more fluid process to me and I find that Oracle cards can be a conduit between me and Spirit (God/Goddess/Universe/Christ Consciousness). I use Oracle cards daily for personal use and I use Oracle cards with clients during Intuitive Readings.
Personal Oracle
For personal use, at a minimum, I pull a card each day. I write about the card and reflect on the card listening for the specific message intended for me. The cards are spot on, mirroring a situation in my life or a core issue I am working through. The cards serve as a Divine message and aid in my relationship with Spirit, inspiring communication with Jesus through prayer. The Oracle and Jesus- they are not mutually exclusive.
Professional Oracle
I use Oracle cards when I conduct intuitive consultation sessions. Usually the focus of these sessions concerns relationships or vocational issues such as career shifts and growing into one’s soul purpose. The cards are a divination tool that can additionally guide the session. This is no different than when I used daily affirmations as a therapist with clients in session. During an intuitive consult, I always ask the client whether a card pull is of interest. I generally offer a 1 to 5 card spread. The questions can be general (What does Spirit want me to know for today?”) or specific (“What does Spirit want me to consider as I decide whether or not to enroll in this year-long course?”
Certified Oracle Guide
Because I love Oracle cards, I decided to take a course. My first experience was an in-person 3-day workshop with Colette Baron-Reid a few years ago. I decided that weekend I would eventually enroll in her Oracle School. I completed Oracle School earlier this year (a 10-month process) and have decided to repeat the learning through July, 2021. I am officially a Certified Oracle Guide through Colette Baron-Reid’s Oracle School but I learn more each day I use these precious gems!
So, that’s a wee bit about the Oracle in my life. But that’s not all- I went on to create my own Oracle deck!