Yes- imagine enhancing creative writing with essential oils! It’s called Aroma Writing!
I recently facilitated an Aroma Writing workshop in Havana. I shared sacred space with 4 other women. We came together to be influenced by the essential oils and to let our creativity flow. The workshop description was simple:
How does writing nourish you? Do you have a desire to create stronger messaging about your work? Relax, de-stress, get centered? Just start writing something, anything? To tell your life story?
This workshop is for you! Inviting aspiring and professional writers as well as those who want use writing as a tool for daily living.
Through active use of essential oils, you’ll go to the source and be soothed, motivated and inspired.”
I used a series of 4 writing prompts and paired each prompt with an essential oil.
In response to the prompt, “What makes me feel powerful/empowered?”, one participant wrote the following:
. . . what makes me feel powerful is book learning
. . . as my mind wanders to Elderhood all those book facts fade
Now I have to count on my innate knowledge and intuition.
Oh my–
I have prepared and trained for Now
I have to trust the process to unfold . . .
The seed sown sprouted forth,
the bloom actually faded,
Now is the time for bearing the fruit
for someone to harvest my work.
That’s pretty powerful stuff! This is but one example of the awesome creativity that came out of our two-hour workshop. We shared boldly and intimately about our lives- our hopes, fears and dreams. Several women coming together with the intention of empowerment through creative writing is an awesome experience- and one that I will be repeating.
So- if you haven’t been to an Aroma Writing workshop yet, don’t be shy. Check the schedule as I will offer a writing workshop monthly. And no worries if you have attended before- each workshop features different oils paired with different writing prompts!
If you are looking to purchase quality essential oils, CLICK HERE.