Are you a massage therapist interested in learning Reiki? Are you already a Reiki practitioner? Do you teach Reiki? Do you practice another modality such as coaching, therapy or aromatherapy? I am a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and I have been teaching an online Reiki Master Teacher course for nearly 10 years. Currently, my course… [Read More]
On Using Intuition: Be Careful the Ego
Ego vs Intuition… this is about using your intuition appropriately when guiding others so that you are… Intentional Mindful and Discerning… about what you share with your clients and how you share. I am speaking specifically to the intuitive information we receive and how to know what to do with the information. Some refer to… [Read More]
30-hour Reiki Course for Counseling Professionals with CE
Yes- you heard right. Learn Reiki to level III and earn 30 CE in the process! I have taught this course for many years and now the course is approved through NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals. This course, Using Subtle Energies for Recovery and Renewal includes Reiki training so read on and consider a… [Read More]
Soul Care is Essential
That sounds right, doesn’t it? This is my new direction. The pandemic arrived and everything got upended for so many people in positive and negative ways. And sometimes a little bit of both. For me, the pandemic has given me time to embrace new projects and studies and the new birth is Essential Soul Care…. [Read More]
What you will learn on your way to becoming an Intuitive Wellness Coach
Intuitive Wellness Coach Practitioner~ This comprehensive online program is an 80-hour self-paced certificate course covering a wide scope. Your coursework will be completed online. You will complete written assignments and you will also engage in private Facebook group/forum with other students. The course is a balance of “book learning” and experiential self-reflection. A live discussion… [Read More]
Is Reiki Evil?
I was recently asked this question. I have had conversations with people over the years who view Reiki as a dark force. I thought it might be time for me to shed light- at least from my perspective. IS Reiki evil? Of course, as a Reiki practitioner and teacher, one could safely assume that I… [Read More]