I have been writing lessons for my Reiki Master Teacher course and I am reminded of the powerful gift of Reiki. We have the ability to help ourselves through energy that is available to all of us. Reiki Attunement I have created a course that extends beyond the usual Reiki I, II and III with… [Read More]
What is a Certified Angel Tarot Reader?
As I expand my intuitive wings I am discovering many different methods of healing and self growth. Of course I had heard of Doreen Virtue. She was a renowned intuitive who was greatly respected. And of course, I was familiar with Tarot cards. (Since I first wrote this post she has however, denounced all of… [Read More]
Peonies and distance healing
Do you have a favorite flower? I love peonies. When I lived on Lookout Mountain I had peony flowers that were outrageously beautiful growing in my yard. I did not plant them or cultivate them but I enjoyed their beauty. When I moved, I transplanted them to my parent’s yard where they still thrive. Flower… [Read More]
Thousands of angels surround you, especially at 4:44!
I woke up this morning at 4:44. It happens all the time. At one point, it happened so frequently that I “googled” it. 444 What does it mean? Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an… [Read More]
Ethical Network Marketing within your Coach or Counseling Practice
Affiliate and Multi-Level Marketing opportunities have become part of the online business culture. Everyone has something to sell! But for some practitioners, the question about ethics comes into play… First, what is the difference in affiliate marketing and network marketing (Multi-level Marketing)? Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is typically pursuing commissions from products you are affiliating… [Read More]
Hazards of fragrant air fresheners and plug-ins
Avoid toxic fragrance! Choose natural and organic options instead!, I am the annoying friend or co-worker who asks if you can please unplug that plugged-in woosh of fragrance. I am the hotel guest that calls ahead of time to request no fragrance or air freshener spray in my room. I dart past the perfume counters… [Read More]
Himalayan Salt Lamps: Help or Hype?
A few years ago I received a couple of Himalayan salt lamps as gifts. “These lamps greatly improve air quality,” I was told. Googled it. I set about to do my research (Googled it…) and I was hard pressed to find any significant research that wasn’t anecdotal. Himalayan salt has been touted as a cure-all… [Read More]
Do I need to have Liability Insurance for my CAM Practice?
This is a question you need to be asking yourself if you are seeing clients – as a student, a practitioner with a private practice, an instructor, or a volunteer. Consider the risks In the fields of Coaching and Energy Medicine (Complimentary/Alternative Medicine) the likelihood of having a claim is rare due to the non-invasive… [Read More]