It’s not just the big sessions at the gym and the miles and miles of running you put in that will help to keep your body in good shape. It’s not just the diet you stick to that will assist you either; it’s good sleep. We’re going to take a look at the just why… [Read More]
Let’s Talk! Essential Oil Primer
You just want the skinny, right? You don’t want to sit through a class, go to a friend’s home, login anywhere- you just want plain and simple. Well here it is- an essential oil primer. What is an essential oil? A volatile substance derived from plants containing the natural smell and characteristics of the plant…. [Read More]
We Close One Door to Usher in Opportunity
That’s right. Sometimes we close one door so many more can open… to usher in opportunity. That’s what we are doing. We are closing the door to our brick and mortar shop in downtown Havana. I will continue to be right here, online so the virtual doors will remain open. We are not going away-… [Read More]
Twin Flame Wish
I have things to do! I have this “to-do” list that is really intense- my work/life to-do list. And most days I am on it. When I am in serious work mode, nothing can take me off mission. But we are talking Twin Flame. I am approaching 3 years on this Twin Flame journey and… [Read More]
My POV: 13 Reasons Why Controversy
13 Reasons Why spoiler alert rating: mild to moderate If you are in crisis please go to Or visit A friend of mine recently asked if I had yet watched the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why. I replied, “No. I haven’t even heard of it.” She was surprised I had not, given the… [Read More]
Twin Flame Codependence
Shattering those typical relationship constructs and patterns I’ve been holding on to for so long; that’s what I’ve been up to, grappling with twin flame codependence. And that’s why I have been kinda quiet… I am not in union with my twin, at least not based on how I have heard union described. But then… [Read More]
Aromatherapy During Pregnancy
We tend to think of aromatherapy as it relates to general wellness, but on some occasions it can help to support specific concerns as well. For instance, many may not have heard before that aromatherapy can actually help to support the digestive system during the first trimester, and as a result help pregnant women to… [Read More]
The Search For Spirituality Starts in the Stomach
In America, one in six citizens are prescribed psychiatric drugs such as antidepressants, suggesting that such pills are shockingly common in our society. While mental illness is a genuine and serious concern, the answer shouldn’t always be chemical drugs. There are more natural, organic ways to achieve wellness. If you’ve tried spiritual practices and found no benefits, then it… [Read More]