What does it mean to be “Divinely inspired?” Many of us say that our actions, our works, our words are Divinely inspired. I know I feel much of my life’s actions have been Divinely inspired, especially when I became intentional about how I live in this world.
But what if you change your mind?
My journey has been Divinely inspired, humanly inspired, earthly inspired, soul-pet inspired, Twin Flame inspired, Spirit Guide inspired and sometimes inspired by food I shouldn’t eat like french fries. I have certainly changed my views a bit over the years. That is normal. Even as adults we go through stages and phases that bring us to new understandings of who we are. But what happens when someone does a complete turnaround? How does that work?
I write this because I grapple with the concept that one such person did this complete about-face. Doreen Virtue just flipped a switch and she is done with her former teachings. Done. I hesitate to call her a former mentor- I did not know her personally and I had no real-time interaction with her. I took a course or two, I listened to her words of wisdom, I read her books and I used her Oracle and Tarot cards. I even received a certification from her. For years, as a psychotherapist and counselor working with people in the throes of addiction, I used Positive Affirmation cards and books. I see Tarot and Oracle no differently as I choose decks that hold messages of love and light.
She has now denounced her own work. She apparently didn’t mean it. And when she said her works were Divinely inspired, she apparently was wrong.
I got over it. Other than having her name smattered across many of my blog posts and my integrity undermined, I am ok. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that I respected her enough to refer to her in my own work and I referred MANY people to her books and courses. Sometimes I do feel like I have egg on my face. Was I not discerning enough?
But what about the hundreds of thousands of people who found her, followed her, believed in her, found life’s solace because of her? And then she changes her mind.
Out of the Box
What caught my attention in the first place? I identified as a Christian most of my life I was raised Greek Orthodox and converted to the Presbyterian Church USA 25 years ago. I was an Ordained Elder in the church, I have been involved in mission work, I became a trained Stephen Minister and I served on the board member of the local campus ministry at Florida State University.
One of the reasons I shifted denominations is because I needed to practice my Christian faith within a denomination that believes the Bible is a living, breathing document- not ancient scripture set in ancient stone that we must somehow contort ourselves into believing. I have been grateful for my church home, even as I meandered in and out of it over these past few decades. I get Christianity.
When I “came out” as an Intuitive, I did not feel I had to renounce my faith in order to do the work Spirit has called me to do. I felt God was in on it. And I have been guided along my path which admittedly is not mainstream. While I am no longer active within a Christian denomination, I embrace Christ Consciousness.
You WERE Christian but now you ARE Christian?
I am confused. Are you? This person, for years- even decades, proclaimed she was Christian as she pumped out book after tarot after oracle after book. Turns out now she says, no she wasn’t. She was raised “New Age” and has just found God. And Jesus has told her all of her former works that she claimed were God inspired are in fact, the Devil’s work. That is impressive. That sort of turnaround to me is extremely alarming.
What brings me to write about this? When Doreen Virtue denounced her former works and affiliations nearly 2 years ago, I did a little spin in my head, decided I couldn’t deal and moved along. I even put her decks and books aside feeling they held negative energy. Over time, her co-authors have stepped up so my decks, bathed in the moonlight, washed with pink salt and saged, are Holy again. I revere them once more and call on them when so inspired.
Today I renounce
In a simple attempt at SEO (search engine optimization) I went through old blog posts and pages to check links and be sure the information was still valid and accurate. In the process I was faced with Doreen Virtue’s prominent influence on several of my website pages. What to do? I went to her website to see if perhaps these several months had tamed her current aspirations and I was met with her exaggerations that everything I believe in, say, practice and that I am called to do is of the Devil. Reiki, Intuitive Readings, even that Yoga pose is on the Devil list now. [Big. Heavy. Sigh.]
It is sad to me that someone who gave so many the permission to live in Spirit, to be inspired and to trust in the Divine- someone who allowed people to understand the multiple paths to ascension, now claims there is but one way. The boxed, charasmatic, line in the sand, in that inflexibly boundaried and fear-based “Christian” way.
This is a great blog post from Sue Ellis-Saller. And check out the 300 comments too! Disappointed In Doreen Virtue
I was called to write about this nearly two years ago. I knew I would. Consider this writing “Divinely inspired.” And I do hope Doreen is ok.
UPDATE 10/14/2019: Doreen Virtue’s current meanderings along her very conservative Christian path are so alarming to me that I have indeed gotten rid of all card decks and books with her name. I decided that pulling from her decks, especially for other people- may give a mixed message and I do not want to be viewed as a supporter of her current path. I still hope Doreen is ok.