Avoid toxic fragrance! Choose natural and organic options instead!,
- I am the annoying friend or co-worker who asks if you can please unplug that plugged-in woosh of fragrance.
- I am the hotel guest that calls ahead of time to request no fragrance or air freshener spray in my room.
- I dart past the perfume counters and bath & body shops at the mall.
- The floral, fragrant and rather pungent odor of certain candle shops can cause me to kack like a cat with a hairball.
- And while I am on a roll, the flavorful, odorful “special” coffees in those less-than-specialty coffee shops can cause a headache that lasts for days. .
Most people who know me “get it” but it is not just those like me that need to avoid these “smellies.” Everyone should avoid them because they are toxic. Yes. TOXIC. And don’t take my word for it. The evidence is in. Read these two articles [GEEK ALERT]:
Why Fragrances Are the New Secondhand Smoke
Many Cleaners, Air Fresheners May Pose Health Risks When Used Indoors
Protect Your Family from the Hidden Hazards in Air Fresheners.
Go organic and natural
But no need to fret. There are organic and natural ways to enhance your environment with aromas that are life-enhancing instead of life-debilitating..
Here are some options:
- Use essential oils instead. You can use a cold air diffuser in your home or office.
- Use a plug-in air diffuser that uses essential oils (once essential oils are heated, the positive effects fade).
- Use a natural air freshener that does not include chemicals.
- Place a cotton ball with a couple of drops of essential oil in your vacuum cleaner bag.
- Use “free and clear” laundry products or other natural cleaning options for clothing.
- Use household products that are non-toxic and natural.
- Use beeswax or soy candles that are unscented.
- Drink naturally flavored coffees and teas.
If you are interested in creating a green, toxic-free home, start now by making changes to your personal care products and cleaning products. Choose non-toxic instead.
Purchase quality essential oils here.
Go green, go natural, go healthy!