It’s been less than a year since Case Studies in Spiritual Coaching: A Survey Across Life, Wellness, and Work Domains was published. So I thought I would give a summary of activity since the book came out starting with our most recent effort! Perspectives Article Most recently, I co-wrote an article with Dr. Madison Leigh… [Read More]
On Using Intuition: Be Careful the Ego
Ego vs Intuition… this is about using your intuition appropriately when guiding others so that you are… Intentional Mindful and Discerning… about what you share with your clients and how you share. I am speaking specifically to the intuitive information we receive and how to know what to do with the information. Some refer to… [Read More]
Intuitive and Psychospiritual Coach Training Program
If you are looking for solid coach training that offers intuitive and psychospiritual components, my Transformative Coach Training Series may be a good fit. And if you are looking for a reputable coaching credential, my training satisfies the educational component of two coach certifications. Coach Certification First, the training qualifies toward the Board Certified Coach… [Read More]
What you will learn on your way to becoming an Intuitive Wellness Coach
This is top-tier Spiritual Coach training facilitated by the co-editors of the required textbook: Case Studies in Spiritual Coaching. Intuitive Wellness Coach Practitioner~ This comprehensive online program is an 80-hour self-paced certificate course covering a wide scope. Your coursework will be completed online. You will complete written assignments and you will also engage in private… [Read More]
Merging Intuition with Sound Ethical Practice
I was recently asked to speak to a group of psychotherapists and mental health clinicians about the use of intuition in one’s therapy practice. Actually, the way the invitation came to be was inspirational and synchronous. My friend and colleague, Cedric Speyer of Innerview Guidance International is a member of a group of clinicians interested… [Read More]