“My Twin Flame isn’t on board.” “My Twin Flame isn’t awakened.” “My Twin Flame is the runner.” “My Twin Flame is married.” Those are all common descriptors of various Twin Flame scenarios. You might relate. But those descriptors have nothing to do with the mission. You’ve heard that, I am sure. What is YOUR mission?… [Read More]
What is Psychotherapeutic Reiki?
As part of the psychotherapy and coaching process a counselor may utilize Reiki as an additional intervention. As a licensed mental health practitioner you may choose not to administer hands-on Reiki. Instead, Reiki can be delivered hands-off or via distance. In-person clients may request hands-off Reiki during the session while other clients may be more… [Read More]
Combining Essential Oils and Reiki for Sacred Grounding and Enhanced Intuition
I became a Reiki Master Teacher in short, because I was called. Sometimes I receive very clear messages from the Universe, God, Goddess, Guides. My sojourn into Reiki teachings and my daily ritual of Reiki self-care began with a “bonk on the head” kind of knowing. Soon after, essential oils and Reiki were part of… [Read More]