In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we explored the energetic field of the psychotherapy room—the subtle, felt sense that exists beyond verbal exchange. From a Neo-Jungian, transpersonal, and psychospiritual perspective, the room itself holds a psychic charge, shaped by archetypal dynamics, unconscious projections,… [Read More]
The Transformative Power of Mentorship for Therapists, Coaches and Healers
In the ever-evolving journey of supporting others, healers often encounter moments that challenge them to grow—not just professionally, but also on a deeply personal and spiritual level. The Psychospiritual Intensive for Therapists, Coaches, and Healers invites practitioners to embark on a transformative 12-month journey through mentorship. This program is a sanctuary for those seeking to… [Read More]
The Role of Silence in Psychotherapy
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed the role of silence in psychotherapy and how silence plays out during the therapy hour. In our workshop today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session. I had the group engage in contemplative writing,… [Read More]
Constructs of Time in Therapeutic Relationships
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed “being the time weaver” in the therapy session and how constructs of time are conceptualized. In our workshop today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session. I had the group engage in contemplative writing,… [Read More]
Contemplating the Meaning of a Session as a Therapist
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed “naming and claiming” the therapy session, reviewing a model of dream interpretation that can double as a model for case consultation. In our session today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session and to… [Read More]
Using Active Imagination in Supervision
In my inaugural session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we used active imagination, a concept originally posed by Carl Jung. You can see a small video clip of John Hillman discussing the concept of active imagination HERE. Active imagination has been compared to Sigmund Freud’s concept of… [Read More]