In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we explored the energetic field of the psychotherapy room—the subtle, felt sense that exists beyond verbal exchange. From a Neo-Jungian, transpersonal, and psychospiritual perspective, the room itself holds a psychic charge, shaped by archetypal dynamics, unconscious projections,… [Read More]
The Role of Silence in Psychotherapy
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed the role of silence in psychotherapy and how silence plays out during the therapy hour. In our workshop today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session. I had the group engage in contemplative writing,… [Read More]
A Jungian Perspective on the Twin Flame Journey
This is a journey of individuation and sacred union. The Twin Flame Journey is often described as a profound and transformative connection—one that mirrors both the light and shadow aspects of the self. While Carl Jung never explicitly wrote about twin flames, his theories on the anima and animus, individuation, and the hieros gamos (sacred… [Read More]
Constructs of Time in Therapeutic Relationships
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed “being the time weaver” in the therapy session and how constructs of time are conceptualized. In our workshop today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session. I had the group engage in contemplative writing,… [Read More]
The Use of Oracle or Tarot Cards in Therapy
In therapy, it’s essential to create a nurturing and accepting environment where clients feel safe to express themselves. This applies to both individual and group therapy settings. When using tools like tarot cards in therapy, oracle cards in therapy, creative expression, or accompanying stories, avoid focusing on the client’s artistic or interpretive skills. These tools… [Read More]
Contemplating the Meaning of a Session as a Therapist
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed “naming and claiming” the therapy session, reviewing a model of dream interpretation that can double as a model for case consultation. In our session today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session and to… [Read More]
Personal Reflections of a Therapist
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed personal reflections of a therapist after the session has ended. My goal with the Peer Supervision Series is to encourage psychotherapists to explore what they are experiencing when they are in session with their clients. As therapists… [Read More]
Can Oracle Cards be used in Clinical Supervision?
Yes, Oracle cards can be integrated into clinical supervision with psychotherapists, offering a creative, reflective, and symbolic approach to exploring clinical dynamics, professional development, and the supervisory relationship. While not a conventional method in clinical supervision, Oracle cards can serve as a tool for enhancing self-awareness, fostering insight, and stimulating discussion in various areas relevant… [Read More]