Time sure flies! And it is time for an update. Online Therapy Institute, in partnership with The Institute for Life Coach Training have updated the Ethical Framework for the Use of Technology in Coaching. We are introducing the updated framework as a White Paper entitled, Ethical Framework for Technology-delivered Coaching. The Ethical Framework for the… [Read More]
Flowers are a nice gesture! Even virtual flowers…
My efforts at the Online Therapy Institute extend to Second Life. Last fall we moved to a new location- from one island to another- we built a new office and virtual classroom complete with lovely landscaping. We share an island with other people in the helping professions so we feel right at home. While I… [Read More]
Art, Media and Internet Addiction
On the heels of a new study just out about internet addiction, I was asked to contribute an article for a new book on the topic. I was honored that Gretta Louw asked me to write a piece for her book which is a follow-up book to the Controlling_Connectivity durational performance and exhibition: the psychological… [Read More]