My spiritual journey has been like many; full of grace with periods of time in the spiritual desert. The most spiritually abundant time in my life is right now. My journey has led me to my work and through my work I am filled with opportunities to be of service. Some people ask me about my “religious faith” and while I participate in organized religion, I see religion as the theoretical orientation to spirituality. I have chosen a religion that encourages independent thought and knows that Spirit works in many different ways.
My Religious Roots
I was raised in the Greek Orthodox Church and changed denominations in my early 30’s. I was in Atlanta working for a homeless mission through Clifton Presbyterian Church. I loved my work and became part of a church family that walked the talk. I joined the Presbyterian Church, USA and shortly thereafter I was ordained as an Elder. Currently I am a member of First Presbyterian Church in Quincy, FL and I also served 4 years on the board of UKirk (literally meaning University Church), the Presbyterian (USA) college ministry in Tallahassee located at Florida State University, an inclusive LGBTQIA+ friendly community.
I have also completed 50 hours of training and have been commissioned as a Stephen Minister. I combine my skills as a Stephen Minister and coach when I work with someone who is requesting spiritual direction. A person’s particular “God path” does not matter. As a Stephen Minister I bring Christ energy to the process.
I completed my doctoral studies at Capstone University: D.Th (Doctor of Theology) in Multi-faith Spiritual Direction.
Capstone University is a progressive, inter-spiritual, interdenominational, inter-faith, and holistic based center for higher learning that endeavors to educate and assist in the development of forward-thinking leaders and practitioners of Spiritual Care. University partners are the HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, founded in 1960 and it’s affiliate, the Spiritual Care Association, both dedicated to the full integration of spiritual care in health care.
- Spiritual Care Association (SCA)
- Spiritual Directors International (SDI)
- Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC)
We are all children of the same Universe
Additionally, I became an Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church primarily because I am a Reiki practitioner and some states only allow Reiki to be conducted by licensed body work professionals such as Massage Therapists. Since Reiki can be considered a spiritual practice, Ordained Ministers are exempt and since I also believe Reiki to be spiritual in nature and I believe in the freedom of religion, this additional step fits for me. I was raised in the Christian tradition but I embrace different spiritual practices as part of my journey. Oh, and a wee post script… I also wanted to be able to perform marriages for friends and family on occasion and ordination from Universal Life Church is recognized in many states.
Spirit works in many different ways
If you follow my work, you know I am into moon rituals, visioning, tarot and oracle cards, anointing with essential oils, chakra balancing. energy healing and prayer. I do not see any of these practices as separate from my religious faith. Quite the opposite- my spirituality and faith has grown and expanded because of the wonderful religious container I have been fortunate enough to embrace.