That’s right! And those five steps to your highest potential include essential oils, gratitude, setting intentions, moon rituals and self-care. These five steps are part of a weekly local ritual I have the pleasure of facilitating. I gather with several others for a Women Manifesting group and I am sharing our gems here!
1. Anointing
Use essential oils everyday to anoint yourself and set intentions. You can anoint yourself using specific oils for each chakra or you can choose an oil or oil blend that holds a spiritual meaning for you. Frankincense, Palo Santo, Patchouli or Angelica are single oils you can use to anoint. Place a drop on your Third Eye (between your brows) and your Root (tail bone) chakras. You might also consider the Young Living Essential Oil blends, White Angelica or Highest Potential.
2. Self-care
Take at least 10 minutes a day for self-care. Take 20 minutes and your self-care will be even more rewarded. I engage in Self-Reiki each day. Reiki is a wonderful way to become centered and set intentions. Reiki energy has a grounding and healing effect and taking care of yourself in this way is so powerful. Make this a part of your daily ritual. You may also choose to pray or meditate. The bottom line is to spend at least 10 minutes a day quietly attending to you.
3. Gratitude
Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Keep a “Gratitude Journal.” Make this process as simple or elaborate as you wish. You can jot down 3 things in your calendar book or use a social media app such as Facebook. You might create a visual of your gratitude on Pinterest. You can also actually purchase a Gratitude Journal. Check out options at your local bookstore or on Amazon. The more you write down and become aware of what you are grateful for, the more reasons to be grateful will appear!
4. Manifesting
Manifest what you want. Create a ritual around the New Moon. Write down what you want. Be specific- at least three things. Light a candle (no paraffin or fragrance- use a soy or beeswax candle with no scent). Add a drop or two of your favorite anointing oil to the candle. Let the candle burn for a few hours and allow your desires to take hold and manifest. Ask your spirit guides and the angels for assistance. Save your manifesting list to reflect back on the next month.
5. Releasing
Release that which no longer serves you. Create a ritual around the Full Moon. Write down what no longer serves you. Be specific- at least three things. Light a candle (no paraffin or fragrance- use a soy or beeswax candle with no scent). Add a drop or two of your favorite anointing oil to the candle. Let the candle burn for a few hours and allow your desires to take hold and be released. Ask your spirit guides and the angels for assistance. Save your releasing list to reflect back on the next month.
Visioning and Manifesting as a Coach: Tools for Creating Your Vision