Nope. Not at all.
I am asked this a lot now that I am involved with Young Living Essential Oils as a Brand Partner.
“Really? I thought all network marketing was a scam. I mean isn’t that when only a few people actually make money and everyone else loses?” No.
Here’s how I see it.
Generally, there is no easy way to success. Most of us work hard for it. If we work for ourselves, whether we open a hardware store, run a day care center, have a psychotherapy private practice or sell essential oils- it is all about determination and hard work. Network marketing is just a different model for business and sales.
I was asked about the general structure of network marketing, and how , … if it is “so easy”, why doesn’t everyone make money?
It’s hard work
First, it is not necessarily easy. It is business like any other business and if you set out to make a living with it, you must treat it as a business, and that includes a business plan. Second, a solid network marketing company is promoting a viable product. Network marketing is one way of sharing the product just like placing the product on the corporate shelves of a major grocery or retail store is another way of sharing the product. Third, not everyone who “signs up” is interested in being in business. Many people just want to purchase the product at a discount, so it is similar to joining Costco, Sam’s Club or another membership retail organization. And finally, if someone sets out to actually pursue the product as a business, if the person is not well supported with an intentional business plan including reasonable expectations, he or she will likely not succeed. That is the case with any business endeavor.
But network marketing has a bad rap! That’s that multilevel marketing stuff.
There are irreputable retail stores, corporations, consultants, doctors, healers and yes, there are irreputable network marketing companies. I became involved with Young Living because I believe in the company’s product line and it enhanced my overall health, not because I had visions of money rolls dancing in my head. I have a passion for a product and a company that has become an integral part of my lifestyle and my career.
What Network Marketing is and is not
Want a quick read on what network marketing is and what it is not? I recommend:
The Four Year Career by Richard Bliss Brooke. And if you are thinking about a career with Young Living, read the Young Living Edition. It’s not fluff. It is a practical view of a business model that works- provided you work it.