Seeking a course or certification in the Intuitive Arts? You have come to the right place! I offer intuitive studies including certifications as a spiritual coach and oracle card reader.
Check out my most popular courses in the Intuitive Arts
Certifications offered:
Intuitive Wellness Coach Practitioner
Essential Oils for Emotional Health *FREE*
Essential Soul Care Practitioner
I have always been intuitive and I have relied on my intuition throughout my life. I even used my intuition when I worked as a psychotherapist and forensic mental health evaluator. But only in the past decade have I allowed my intuitive gifts to lead me in the work I do with others. I bring these courses to you so that you may further develop your use of intuition in your work and learn to trust your intuitive senses in ways that you may not have ever experienced.
My coach course includes solid coaching principles and lessons related to coaching skill and theory. I include information about health and wellness and the ethics of offering nutritional consultation. Coach competencies are reviewed and the course prepares you to apply for a recognized coach certification. What is different about the course is the inclusion of complementary and alternative methods in your coach practice including energy healing and the use of intuition. This coach course focuses on spiritual, psychospiritual and metaphysical approaches to coaching.
My aromatherapy course teaches the basics of essential oils and reviews the body systems. I also include the chakra system as a critical component to working with intuition and essential oils. I developed my own Essential Chakra Chart and Essential Wellness Wheel that are used as tools within the course. You will learn to expand your intuition and trust in the very real energetic properties of essential oils.
These two courses contain overlapping content so if you are enrolled in one and would like to take the other, talk to me about a discount to account for modules you may have already completed in the current course you are enrolled in. If you hare not enrolled in either, but are interested in both, talk to me about a discounted package deal for both.
Be sure to check out all of my courses: