This is a journey of individuation and sacred union. The Twin Flame Journey is often described as a profound and transformative connection—one that mirrors both the light and shadow aspects of the self. While Carl Jung never explicitly wrote about twin flames, his theories on the anima and animus, individuation, and the hieros gamos (sacred… [Read More]
Sovereign Soul: Understanding Twin Flame
I am sharing this e-book with you as it brings together my most prominent thoughts and feelings around understanding the Twin Flame phenomenon. This 60-page book of essays is filled with sage, wise advice from a licensed therapist and certified life coach who teaches by reflecting on her own journey. Feeling sovereign and whole through… [Read More]
How to Enjoy a Sovereign, Self-Actualized Valentine’s Day
Article written by Madison Leigh Akridge Hearts, roses, chocolate, cards with words of endearment, stuffed animals, and jewelry. Ah, the icons of a modern-day Valentine’s celebration. The traditional, mainstream attempt to distill the concept of love down into a single day, filled with uninspired gifts and tokens of affection has given me pause. As a… [Read More]
Twin Flame Tsunami
When I first experienced the Twin Flame Tsunami I had no idea. I didn’t know a karmic from a soul mate from a twin flame from a partner or a spouse. Let me say that again. I didn’t know. I had no idea the wave that was about to wash over me. I thought I… [Read More]
My Favorite Essential Oil Aroma Blends
Make your own Aroma Blends. All you need is a 10 ml roller ball bottle, a carrier oil and essential oils. I recommend amber or cobalt blue bottles to preserve the integrity of the essential oils. Use a carrier oil such as jojoba or sweet almond oil. These blends have been created to be utilized… [Read More]
My Twin Flame Card Spread
Today is 11/11. Numerology is not my strong suit but I know that 1111, 11:11, 11/11- This is a sequence not to overlook. This is the manifestation number, and as many of you know, the Twin Flame number. Why? Because it represents ascension. And ascension is what the Twin Flame mission is all about. Many… [Read More]
Twin Flame Wish
I have things to do! I have this “to-do” list that is really intense- my work/life to-do list. And most days I am on it. When I am in serious work mode, nothing can take me off mission. But we are talking Twin Flame. I am approaching 3 years on this Twin Flame journey and… [Read More]
Twin Flame Codependence
Shattering those typical relationship constructs and patterns I’ve been holding on to for so long; that’s what I’ve been up to, grappling with twin flame codependence. And that’s why I have been kinda quiet… I am not in union with my twin, at least not based on how I have heard union described. But then… [Read More]