This is a journey of individuation and sacred union. The Twin Flame Journey is often described as a profound and transformative connection—one that mirrors both the light and shadow aspects of the self. While Carl Jung never explicitly wrote about twin flames, his theories on the anima and animus, individuation, and the hieros gamos (sacred… [Read More]
Sovereign Soul: Understanding Twin Flame
I am sharing this e-book with you as it brings together my most prominent thoughts and feelings around understanding the Twin Flame phenomenon. This 60-page book of essays is filled with sage, wise advice from a licensed therapist and certified life coach who teaches by reflecting on her own journey. Feeling sovereign and whole through… [Read More]
Ambient Gaslighting- A Subtle Form of Harmful Emotional Abuse
What is ambient gaslighting? Rest assured, it doesn’t create good ambiance in a relationship. “Ambient gaslighting” describes the subtle, ongoing mistreatment or disrespect we encounter in small doses, often unnoticed as a form of gaslighting. These are the slippery conversations we have with people in our lives that make our belly flip flop. Or we… [Read More]
How to Enjoy a Sovereign, Self-Actualized Valentine’s Day
Article written by Madison Leigh Akridge Hearts, roses, chocolate, cards with words of endearment, stuffed animals, and jewelry. Ah, the icons of a modern-day Valentine’s celebration. The traditional, mainstream attempt to distill the concept of love down into a single day, filled with uninspired gifts and tokens of affection has given me pause. As a… [Read More]
Gaslighting: Five Steps to Take Back Your Personal Power
What is Gaslighting? Here’s what is important to know. Gaslighting can happen to anyone. Even those of us who consider ourselves highly intuitive can get ambushed by a Gaslighter. If you think you have been a victim to Gaslighting don’t feel ashamed or guilt yourself for falling prey or missing it. Recognize it and take… [Read More]
When infidelity happens, it takes both to pick up the pieces…
Infidelity and affairs happen. Recent articles in the New York Times, Does Couples Therapy Work? And Wall Street Journal, Couples Therapy for One: To Fix a Marriage, Some Go Alone suggest that couples therapy is not always the answer to fixing a broken relationship and I tend to agree. Instead, understanding one’s own sense of… [Read More]