No Really. It can. It just takes finding your voice- well, not even your voice really. Particularly if you are online. No, I take that back. You do need your voice. You just don’t need a loud one and you don’t have to give speeches. Network Marketing Why am I talking about network marketing? Because… [Read More]
Enhancing Love with Essential Oils
Essential oils and essential oil blends have long been used to enhance mood and libido. Using essential oils – oils that are pure- is like going back to the basics and creating a love mood free of artificial scents and ingredients. Essential Oils for Romance You may have heard that certain oils like chamomile can aid… [Read More]
Is network marketing a “Get rich quick!” scam?
Nope. Not at all. I am asked this a lot now that I am involved with Young Living Essential Oils as a Brand Partner. “Really? I thought all network marketing was a scam. I mean isn’t that when only a few people actually make money and everyone else loses?” No. Here’s how I see it. Generally, there… [Read More]
White Angelica for release and protection
I recently attended an oils gathering (I am doing that a lot lately). I had the opportunity to experience a few different oils and oil blends that I didn’t have in my collection. We passed around several blends including Inner Child, Abundance and Release. I wasn’t really reading the label on the bottles as they… [Read More]
Case Management Equates to Safe Practice in Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Good practice procedures in Complementary & Alternative Medicine include obtaining a signed Informed Consent form from a client along with pertinent client information, insurance information if appropriate, and setting up a client file. The client file will contain all documents pertaining to the client and allow the practitioner to provide excellent Case Management. Why is… [Read More]
Informed Consent and Energy Healing Modalities
When you are initially practicing on family and neighbors, the consent form acts to provide information and clarification for participants and it helps you begin to establish a sense of professionalism in your work. When you feel ready to practice Healing Touch, Reiki or another form or energy healing beyond your circle of family and… [Read More]
Why CAM Practitioners Need a Code of Ethics
As a professional working with people on a daily basis, your word and your approach towards clients is critically important. Your business is built on the principles and values that you wish to present to your clients consistently. Part of establishing your business and continuing to make an impact on your community as a Complementary… [Read More]
MLD Massage and Essential Oils
LYMPHATIC MASSAGE, enhanced with energy-centered bodywork and essential oils, will support the lymphatic system. Essential Oils of Cypress, Grapefruit, and Orange aid in a flowing lymphatic system is one of the keys to a healthy immune system. Lymphatic Massage, also known as Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is the part a type of massage that helps the lymphatic… [Read More]