Time sure flies! And it is time for an update. Online Therapy Institute, in partnership with The Institute for Life Coach Training have updated the Ethical Framework for the Use of Technology in Coaching. We are introducing the updated framework as a White Paper entitled, Ethical Framework for Technology-delivered Coaching. The Ethical Framework for the… [Read More]
Divinely Inspired Works
Commentary on Doreen Virtue What does it mean to be “Divinely inspired?” Many of us say that our actions, our works, our words are Divinely inspired. I know I feel much of my life’s actions have been Divinely inspired, especially when I became intentional about how I live in this world. But what if you… [Read More]
Merging Intuition with Sound Ethical Practice
I was recently asked to speak to a group of psychotherapists and mental health clinicians about the use of intuition in one’s therapy practice. Actually, the way the invitation came to be was inspirational and synchronous. My friend and colleague, Cedric Speyer of Innerview Guidance International is a member of a group of clinicians interested… [Read More]
The Healing Journey is a Lifelong Endeavor
Long before I really understood the full impact of having an autoimmune disorder and way long before I even thought of being a wellness coach, I was in graduate school studying to be a vocational rehabilitation counselor. And I had endometriosis. That began my healing journey, but I dealt with other complications along the way… [Read More]
The Epic Selfie
Have you been bit by the selfie bug? It’s everywhere- not just people’s selfies but deconstructionist articles about what selfies are all about. And the apps that are available to “enhance” one’s eyes, lips, cheekbones, skin tone… it’s a different world. And who really looks like that anyway? Well, I occasionally take selfies- usually… [Read More]
Reflections on the Intuition of Death
Grief. It’s a funny thing. Leaves me feeling, mostly, meh… The missing of my father has not been a frontal assault. I think the missing dissipated as I watched him dying and I only wanted for him to pass over gently into that Golden Platinum Light of God. It was less than 6 weeks from… [Read More]
Five Remedies for Twin Flame Distress
Twin flame remedies in the face of these issues: “My Twin Flame isn’t on board.” “My Twin Flame isn’t awakened.” “My Twin Flame is the runner.” “My Twin Flame is married.” Those are all common descriptors of various Twin Flame scenarios. You might relate. But those descriptors have nothing to do with the mission. You’ve… [Read More]
Therapist and Coach Scope of Practice Regarding Nutritional Advice
The debate is hot about whether or not a health/wellness coach or a psychotherapist (who may or may not also hold a coach certification) can give nutritional advice. The short answer is, “Not really.” Coaching The longer answer is this- as coaches we often put on our “educator” hat to give information to a client… [Read More]