In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we explored the energetic field of the psychotherapy room—the subtle, felt sense that exists beyond verbal exchange. From a Neo-Jungian, transpersonal, and psychospiritual perspective, the room itself holds a psychic charge, shaped by archetypal dynamics, unconscious projections,… [Read More]
The Transformative Power of Mentorship for Therapists, Coaches and Healers
In the ever-evolving journey of supporting others, healers often encounter moments that challenge them to grow—not just professionally, but also on a deeply personal and spiritual level. The Psychospiritual Intensive for Therapists, Coaches, and Healers invites practitioners to embark on a transformative 12-month journey through mentorship. This program is a sanctuary for those seeking to… [Read More]
The Role of Silence in Psychotherapy
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed the role of silence in psychotherapy and how silence plays out during the therapy hour. In our workshop today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session. I had the group engage in contemplative writing,… [Read More]
A Jungian Perspective on the Twin Flame Journey
This is a journey of individuation and sacred union. The Twin Flame Journey is often described as a profound and transformative connection—one that mirrors both the light and shadow aspects of the self. While Carl Jung never explicitly wrote about twin flames, his theories on the anima and animus, individuation, and the hieros gamos (sacred… [Read More]
Constructs of Time in Therapeutic Relationships
In my most recent session of the Peer Supervision Series: Expanding the Therapist’s Interior Landscape, sponsored by Onlinevents, we discussed “being the time weaver” in the therapy session and how constructs of time are conceptualized. In our workshop today, I asked everyone to think of a recent client session. I had the group engage in contemplative writing,… [Read More]
How Transformative Coach Training Enhances the HR Profession
Transformative coach training can be an incredibly valuable asset for professionals in the human resources (HR) field, enhancing their ability to support employees, foster a positive workplace culture, and address challenges effectively. I offer this training in a 3 part series and depending on your educational background, you will need to complete 30, 60 or… [Read More]
Magnesium for Wellness and Calm!
Let’s talk about magnesium for wellness and calm. This mineral is also great for clarity and focus! I’m outlining important information about magnesium supplements below. 1. Health Goals Relaxation and Stress Support: Look for products like Mineral Essence, which contains magnesium and trace minerals that support relaxation and overall well-being. Young Living’s Mineral Essence, my… [Read More]
10 Reasons an HR Professional Should Become a Certified Coach
Obtaining a Board Certified Coach (BCC) credential through the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) is highly beneficial for HR professionals, as it validates their expertise, enhances their influence within their organization, and opens new opportunities for professional growth. AND my training is HRCI and SHRM approved so here’s why it’s a worthwhile pursuit: Establishes… [Read More]