The topic I most discuss with supervisors and supervisors in training, is how the supervisor can truly gauge the supervisee’s interactions, skill level and internal processing (my words) of client sessions. In a clinical supervision case consultation, the supervisee comes prepared with a written reflection. How do you know if the supervisee “gets” this work… [Read More]
Waking to Stillness
The faint sound of a rooster’s crow, the ceiling fan whirring, and rain frogs chirping from last night’s shower. That is ALL I heard this morning upon waking from a deeply lucid, deeply restful (which don’t typically coincide for me) slumber in my new country home. For the past year and a half, I have… [Read More]
How to Conduct an Essential Oil Oracle Reading
Have you ever used essential oils as the Oracle? Let me explain. I use Oracle cards. Generally I do a daily card pull or a three-card spread for my clients. I have been using oracle cards for years. But I also use essential oils. Essential oils, oracle cards, tarot- these are all different variations of divination tools…. [Read More]
From Essential Oils to Essential Soul Care
Let’s talk a bit about how all of this got started. When did I know something big was going to shift for me? It was 2013. I was living in New Jersey. I had a psychotherapy private practice and I spent a lot of time traveling the states training colleagues on the topic of online therapy…. [Read More]
On Using Intuition: Be Careful the Ego
Ego vs Intuition… this is about using your intuition appropriately when guiding others so that you are… Intentional Mindful and Discerning… about what you share with your clients and how you share. I am speaking specifically to the intuitive information we receive and how to know what to do with the information. Some refer to… [Read More]
Inspired and Spirited About the Senses
During my doctoral studies I was required to read Awakening the Creative Spirit: Bringing the Arts to Spiritual Direction by Christine Valters Paintner and Betsey Beckman. This book is full of gems. I do not paint or sculpt. I sometimes sing, but mostly my creativity comes out in my writing. In chapter 10 Beckman offers… [Read More]
Were you raised by a narcissistic parent?
First, let’s take a look at your current relationships- intimate partner, spouse, friend, boss. Are there any jarring similarities to either of your parents? Are your relationships smooth or fraught with drama? If drama rules, pay attention to the patterns. Those who have disruptive, dysfunctional relationships often have had disruptive, dysfunctional upbringings. If it seems… [Read More]
30-hour Reiki Course for Counseling Professionals with CE
Yes- you heard right. Learn Reiki to level III and earn 30 CE in the process! I have taught this course for many years and now the course is approved through NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals. This course, Using Subtle Energies for Recovery and Renewal includes Reiki training so read on and consider a… [Read More]