Yes- imagine enhancing creative writing with essential oils! It’s called Aroma Writing! I recently facilitated an Aroma Writing workshop in Havana. I shared sacred space with 4 other women. We came together to be influenced by the essential oils and to let our creativity flow. The workshop description was simple: How does writing nourish you?… [Read More]
Twin Flame Fidelity
You are not available to me. And I cannot be with another. I call it twin flame fidelity. That time has come. I have no interest in sexual intimacy with anyone else. I don’t. I can’t. I surrender. I am yours. Even as we may face this lifetime apart and never have the opportunity to… [Read More]
What is Energy Healing?
If you have lived long at all, you have either offered up or been the recipient of someone’s thoughts or prayers toward the effort of an individual healing. When we pray for peace, we are evoking a collective healing. Whether we pray to a higher power, or simply hope for healing with our positive, mindful… [Read More]
Support Your Emotional Health with Essential Oils
Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils can support your emotional health! Emotional Health is Linked to Physical Health Often overlooked in the pursuit of improved health is our feelings and emotions. The truth is, if we ignore our emotional health, it’s very difficult to enjoy optimal physical health. They are closely connected. In fact, emotional and mental stressors… [Read More]
Experience Personal Growth with a Professional Course!
I offer courses about wellness coaching, energy healing, and intuitive reading as well as online courses for therapists, coaches and healers on ethical delivery, supervision and certification. As a former psychotherapist I have been influenced by many wonderful people- Alice Miller, Karen Horney, Deborah King, Carolyn Myss and Colette Baron-Reid to name a few… to… [Read More]
Do You Know What Your Core Desired Feelings Are?
I do. Knowing my core desired feelings has been instrumental in allowing me to live the life I want and deserve and Danielle LaPorte’s work has been inspirational for me. I bet it can be for you too. If you have read my blog or if you are my Facebook “friend” or you follow me… [Read More]
How Can I Help You With Your Lifestyle Change?
I help you create a lifestyle change that includes non-toxic living, proper diet and essential oils. I encourage you along a wellness path that includes spirituality, emotional balance, proper nutrition, body movement and more, all based on my Essential Wellness Wheel. . I love guiding people along the path to health, wellness and abundance! . I combine… [Read More]
Why Become a Wellness Coach?
Let’s define wellness coaching first and then discuss why you should perhaps become a wellness coach. What is a Wellness Coach? A Health/Wellness Coach is a supportive guide who works with clients to help them feel their best through food and lifestyle changes. Instead of prescribing one diet or way of exercising, Wellness Coaches tailor individualized wellness programs to… [Read More]