I met you, the messenger, at a workshop I was facilitating out of state. You came up to me at the break and said, “You look familiar.” This was the beginning of me realizing my false twin flame.
We had lunch that day and broke bread together. I opened my purse at the table and took out an essential oil blend to dab on my wrists for de-stressing. Facilitating workshops is beloved work but it can be emotionally and physically draining so this was a tiny moment to recharge. The aroma filled the air and in that moment, familiarity filled the room. Scent memory. Our eyes locked and it was instant. Soul recognition. You said, “Oh my God. It’s you!” And at that very moment I knew who you were. You were the other one in the room. The other one he and I spoke of. You were the midwife in that former life.
I had remembered the scene years before- a moment shared with my soon-to-be husband. We knew that we had shared at least one past life and that I died during childbirth. During an intimate moment, he tenderly recalled making love to me when I was pregnant. “I could have had children with you,” he said. And we realized in this former life we did have a child. We grieved together. I thought he was the one. THE ONE. We shared such an intense past and in this life, over 20 years separated us until we were brought back into each other’s lives.
Ten years later, I meet you, the other one in the room. He and me, we always said there was someone else in our midst. You and me, we tried to make sense of it all over a brief lunch and then we tucked it all away and went back to the conference room and present day.
You told me it was a blessing to see me. It seems you carried my death in your heart for at least a couple of lifetimes. You told me you were burned at the stake in that former life we shared. What you did was considered witchcraft.
When I returned home I took note of the art, the pottery, the paintings- the many objects I surrounded myself with and noticed a pattern of items from Belgium. On a hunch I looked up Belgium Witch Trials and the knowing was even greater. You were sacrificed for the service of Spirit you gave me and others. We have not spoken of this joint memory since. As is the sign of the times, we are friends on Facebook. You like and heart my posts and from time to time you comment that I am special and gifted. You are a guardian angel.
We were mingled souls but he was not THE ONE
Fast forward to today. This morning I woke up and felt your presence. I was lying on my back and suddenly it was long ago. I was wearing a long white nightgown and I had long hair. The small room was dimly lit with candle lanterns. It was night. You were stroking my forehead. I was dying. I felt it completely. I hurt so bad- so much pain. I just allowed myself to sink into the pain and drift away. You were with me the entire time. In this life I now do the same. I lean into, sink into this horrific pain of betrayal and disbelief, allowing that part of me to drift away- the part of me that loved him so.
He is not the man he was in that lifetime. He was God-fearing and full of love. Now he is cold and calculating, selfish and broken. Broken from losing me all those lifetimes ago and punishing both of us because of a life short-lived. I needed this clarity. I needed to understand he was never the one; he was instead, my false twin flame.
My guardian angel is here, carrying me as I die to what no longer serves me. And just as you said to me at lunch that day, “You are alive!”
Indeed I am. Lighter. Enlightened. Ready to co-create with Spirit. Each lesson is a small measure of life to be experienced. The souls we mingle with show us what we need to know. When we ask for clarity along the Twin Flame journey we receive it.