Your silence is palpable.
Your absence glares. It smarts.
But in this break you gain wisdom.
You integrate the wisdom of your soul so that you can maneuver this
3D life you are living [existing] in…
Remember to Breathe
Lots of stuff out there on the interwebs about Twin Flames- have you seen it? Likely so if you are reading this. And if you have read other posts and articles on the topic you know it can get deep. And if you have a Twin Flame in your life you know about the running and the chasing and the dance of the two souls that can be wretchedly painful.
But rest easy knowing that in every separation growth happens, bringing both of you closer to union. These times apart are critical so that you both can shed the constructs and contracts that no longer serve you.
What can you do during separation to ease the longing? Focus on mission. Work on you. Shine your light and be a beacon for others. Serve humankind even as a sole twin. You don’t have to wait on union to do great work and be of service. Really.
Stay focused. Remember the purpose of this Twin Flame journey. This is a calling. You have been beckoned, regardless of what stage your Twin Flame relationship is in. You might not have even met your Twin Flame yet!
The calling is the cornerstone of the Twin Flame journey. The mission is the reason- to serve humankind in ways that break old paradigms. When you remember to breathe you allow yourself to become intentional about your actions and steps toward the real purpose.
Here is a meditation prayer you might find helpful: As Above, So Below: Summoning Divine Protection and Guidance
This takes courage. You can do it. You’ve got this.