Ever get the feeling your Twin Flame just went off the grid? Or that you did? It’s real. It happens.
Knock Knock… anybody home?
So, you are telepathic with your Twin Flame- you sense their energy, they enter your dreams, they whoosh by you like a breeze- you have these experiences that literally take you to your knees- sort of like being slain in the [Twin Flame] spirit.
Your Twin Flame reports the same. The sixth sense is heightened, there is a spiritual awakening, Kundalini rising, watershed moments. And then nothing. It’s like talking into an echo chamber or a deep well that feels like the abyss.
What’s up with that?
When I can’t sense my Twin Flame it is usually because he is very busy with his 3D life or I am. It is not that I can’t sense him therefore he must be “gone,” it is often that I am in the trenches of life myself so I can’t tap in.
If we stayed connected in that Twin Flame way all the time, how would we get anything done? Seriously, that constant connection you seek happens in 5D once we have fully ascended. We can’t do the work we are called to do if we are always seeking that whoosh of validation. And face it, for many of us, that is what this is. “If I sense, feel, dream Twin Flame then I am not crazy and I did not make this up.”
I don’t know about you but sometimes I just need time to get shit done. Like, run errands, buy paper towels, pay my electric bill. After years of almost constant psychic connection with my Twin Flame, I am happy to have moments of just plain ole’ life.
The first time I felt the void I freaked out. Like, “OMG! He isn’t my Twin after all! He’s gone. I made all of this up in my head.” But that sense of him always returns. And most of all, I am taken to new levels in my own spiritual journey.
Always keep the end game in mind. This is about teaching humanity a new way to be- a new way to love- a new order. We are here to shift paradigms, not constantly seek out the pitter-patter of our Twin Flame’s heart. The connection is there. Always. But sometimes we need to allow the connection to slumber and rejuvenate.