I recently started a Facebook group to compliment a series of Reiki courses I am teaching and I posted the Facebook group link in a couple of Reiki groups on Linkedin. One group did not even post my discussion. The other group did and then a series of comments ensued – mostly of a non-supportive nature.
We don’t like change.
I get it. This is new. We don’t like change. And we don’t like something as sacred and spiritual as Reiki to be adulterated.
I have blogged about my philosophy concerning technology-assisted Reiki- I have coined that philosophy Kybernetes Reiki (and I was even asked to please, out of respect for Reiki to call this anything but Reiki, to which I replied, “No.”).
I teach Reiki. And I teach Kybernetes Reiki.
Reiki I is available as a stand-alone, online, self-directed course that requires 30 days of self-Reiki and extensive dialogue with me. Reiki I, II, III is similar but encompasses distance Reiki and teaching Reiki to others. This is also accomplished online.
I learned Reiki online. So can you.
Why? Because I learned Reiki online and found it to be a life-altering experience and I want to share that experience. It makes sense I learned online- after all, I discovered the power of the internet 15 years ago when I was desperate for answers around my respiratory issues after countless doctors could not diagnose me. I found an online support group, discovered I was not the only one with my symptoms and illness and was able to receive a proper diagnosis after finding a doctor who would listen to what I had learned online. The internet saved my emotional and physical life.
Now I think, Wow! What if we could add the power of Reiki energy to those experiences?? These teachings I offer do not deviate from the true essence of Reiki- the history, the symbols, the intention- it is all there. What is also there is the mindful and intentional offering of distant attunements to students who, through their own discernment have determined online learning is the best route for them. Perhaps they need the flexibility, perhaps there is no one in their local area that teaches Reiki, maybe they have a disability. It is sad to think there are some that view people making choices for these reasons as unworthy of benefiting from Reiki energy.
Hands-on vs. Distance Reiki
In my opinion and in my teachings, Reiki is a very sacred, spiritual and purposefully simple philosophy. I am not alone in that thinking. I have tried to make the training I offer affordable, charging for my time only. My courses I, II, III are suited for people interested in personal growth (level I) or in becoming a distant or hands-off Reiki practitioner. Certainly if one has the goal of conducting hands-on Reiki then in-person training makes perfect sense. But for others embracing the concepts and contructs around distant healing, learning Reiki and experiencing Reiki from a distance and through technology assistance is the best environment both to learn in and practice.
Kybernetes Reiki is rolled into my teachings and appeals to anyone who is interested in how to enhance their Reiki practice and teachings with technology. Once you are attuned to Reiki through me you are attuned to Kybernetes Reiki.
There are many Reiki professionals who are already practicing and teaching online. I would not suggest that an online Reiki course, distant attunement or distant healing is better or worse than what I offer, right or wrong, does or doesn’t follow traditional Reiki teachings- but I do have specialized skill in teaching others about online presence, online relationships, ethical online delivery of services, online marketing and the theoretical underpinnings of working within the culture of cyberspace. I teach mental health practitioners, coaches, healers, intuitives and other helping professionals these tools. Now I am including Reiki practitioners as well.